Sunday, August 5, 2012

What does home really mean? Is where you grew up considered home your whole life, or is home where you chose to live after you grow up. Is home where your happiest in the world? Or is home where your friends and family are? Does leaving your home hurt? Yet is it possible that people make your home and not a certain place? Can two lovers live on the streets and still call it their home because they're together? To me.. home is wherever I'm most free and where I'm happy. Doesn't matter if I hardly know the place or if I've never even been there before. Home comes from within your soul. Home is where your soul is free to feel and be whatever it wants. Whether its with a person or in a place. When I'm sad or lonely is when I leave home, and it hurts. Just a thought, do you people really know where your home is?

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